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1. Interview With Dr. Emily Austin - "Living For Pleasure"

  • Episode 156 - 01/18/23 - Emily Austin Interview Lucretius Today Interviews Dr. Emily Austin - Part One
  • Episode 157 - 01/25/23 - Emily Austin Interview Lucretius Today Interviews Dr. Emily Austin - Part Two

2. Interview With Dr. David Glidden - Epicurean Prolepsis

  • Episode 166 - 03/21/23 - Interview With Dr David Glidden Lucretius Today Interviews Dr. David Glidden on "Epicurean Prolepsis"

3. Interview With Dr. Marcel Boeri - Theory And Practice In Epicurean Political Philosophy

  • Episode 197 - 10/23/23 - Interview With Dr Marcel Boeri Interview With Dr Marcelo Boeri