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1. Lucretius Book One

  • Episode 001 - 01/14/20 - Lucretius - Book One Venus / Pleasure As Guide Of Life
  • Episode 002 - 01/25/20 - The Achievement of Epicurus
  • Episode 003 - 01/30/20 - So Great Is The Power of Religion To Inspire Evil Deeds!
  • Episode 004 - 02/07/20 - Recap of Opening Sections Of Book One
  • Episode 005 - 02/14/20 - On Resisting The Threats of Priests and Poets
  • Episode 006 - 02/20/20 - Step One - Nothing Comes From Nothing!
  • Episode 007 - 02/29/20 - The Evidence That Nothing Comes From Nothing
  • Episode 008 - 03/07/20 - Step Two - Nothing Goes to Nothing!
  • Episode 009 - 03/12/20 - The Evidence That Atoms Exist, Even Though They Are Unseen
  • Episode 010 - 03/22/20 - The Void And Its Nature
  • Episode 011 - 03/28/20 - More On The Void and Its Implications
  • Episode 012 - 03/30/20 - Nothing But Combinations Of Matter And Void
  • Episode 013 - 04/10/20 - Properties, Qualities, and the Trojan War
  • Episode 014 - 04/22/20 - Atoms Are Solid and Indestructible And Constitute the Seeds Of All Things
  • Episode 015 - 04/26/20 - Recap Two - Reflections On Book One So Far
  • Episode 016 - 04/27/20 - The Atoms Are Imperishable And Provide Continuity To All Nature
  • Episode 017 - 05/09/20 - All Things Are Not Made Of A Single Element, Such as Fire
  • Episode 018 - 05/16/20 - All Things Are Not Made of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water
  • Episode 019 - 05/23/20 - All Things Are Not Made of Pieces of the Same Thing, Or Pieces of All Things
  • Episode 020 - 05/30/20 - The Universe Is Infinite In Size
  • Episode 021 - 06/06/20 - The Universe Has No Center

2. Lucretius Book Two

  • Episode 022 - 06/12/20 - Lucretius - Book Two Book Two - Epicurean Philosophy As The Only Way To Defeat Fear of Death And Other Errors As To The Goal of Life
  • Episode 023 - 06/24/20 - The Motion Of The Atoms Continues Without Resting Place, and At Great Speed
  • Episode 024 - 06/27/20 - The Swerve Part One: As A Producing Force of Nature
  • Episode 025 - 07/03/20 - The Swerve Part Two: As The Basis of Human Agency
  • Episode 026 - 07/11/20 - The Atoms Are Not Uniform In Shape
  • Episode 027 - 07/17/20 - There is A Limit To the Size of Atoms
  • Episode 028 - 07/20/20 - The Number of Shapes of Atoms Is Not Infinite, But Innumerable
  • Episode 029 - 08/02/20 - The Earth As Allegorical Mother of All
  • Episode 030 - 08/07/20 - Only A Limited Number of Combinations Of Atoms Is Possible
  • Episode 031 - 08/10/20 - Continuation of Episode 30 And Discussion of the Polyaenus Example
  • Episode 032 - 08/22/20 - The Atoms Are Colorless, But The Implications of That Are Not
  • Episode 033 - 08/26/20 - More On the Implications of The Colorless Atoms
  • Episode 034 - 08/31/20 - The Atoms Do Not Possess A Faculty of Sensation
  • Episode 035 - 09/13/20 - More Reasons Why Atoms Cannot Possess The Faculty of Sense
  • Episode 036 - 09/19/20 - No Single Thing of A Kind: Earth Not The Only Home of Life
  • Episode 037 - 09/27/20 - End of Book 2 - The Earth Too Was Born, and It Will One Day Die

3. Lucretius Book Three

  • Episode 038 - 09/27/20 - Lucretius - Book Three Book Three - Epicurus Our Guide Who Dispels The Darkness of Error and Fear of Hell
  • Episode 039 - 10/09/20 - The Mind And Spirit Are Not Supernatural But Parts of A Man Just Like The Head and Foot
  • Episode 040 - 10/17/20 - Argument That The Mind and Spirit Are Corporeal
  • Episode 041 - 10/25/20 - The Nature of the Mind and Spirit Is Complex; Sense is Not a Property of The Elements That Make Them, But An Event
  • Episode 042 - 10/31/20 - The Mind Works Through the Senses; Both Mind and Spirit Are Mortal
  • Episode 043 - 11/07/20 - The Mind is Born, Grows Old, and Dies With the Body
  • Episode 044 - 11/14/20 - Additional Evidence By Which We Conclude The Mind Cannot Survive Apart from the Body
  • Episode 045 - 11/21/20 - More on The Mortality of the Mind and Soul
  • Episode 046 - 11/29/20 - Conclusion of the Presentation that the Mind and Soul Cannot Survive Death
  • Episode 047 - 12/05/20 - Death Is Nothing To Us
  • Episode 048 - 12/12/20 - Nature Speaks To Us About Death
  • Episode 049 - 12/21/20 - Conclusions On Death And The End of Book Three

4. Lucretius Book Four

  • Episode 050 - 12/27/20 - Lucretius - Book Four The Opening of Book Four - Images
  • Episode 051 - 01/03/21 - More On The Working of "Images"
  • Episode 052 - 01/11/21 - More on Light, Vision, and Reflections
  • Episode 053 - 01/16/21 - The Senses Are Never Deceived, Even By Illusions
  • Episode 054 - 01/17/21 - Reason Is Dependent on the Senses
  • Episode 055 - 01/25/21 - Reason Is Dependent on The Senses (Part 2)
  • Episode 056 - 02/06/21 - More On The Operation Of The Senses
  • Episode 057 - 02/12/21 - Taste, Smell, and the Subjectivity of the Senses
  • Episode 058 - 02/20/21 - The Mind's Direct Receipt of Images
  • Episode 059 - 02/27/21 - The Uses Of The Body Were Not Designed Before They Arose
  • Episode 060 - 03/01/21 - Dreams, And The Mind's Use of Images
  • Episode 061 - 03/12/21 - The Perils of Romantic Love (Part 1)
  • Episode 062 - 03/15/21 - The Perils of Romantic Love (Part 2)
  • Episode 063 - 03/26/21 - The Perils of Romantic Love (Part 3 - End of Book 4)

5. Lucretius Book Five

  • Episode 064 - 03/31/21 - Lucretius - Book Five Due To His Accomplishments, Epicurus Should Be Thought Of As Godlike
  • Episode 065 - 04/09/21 - Introducing a New Panelist (Don) and A Recap of the Opening of Book Five
  • Episode 066 - 04/13/21 - The End of All Things (But Not Of The Universe Itself!)
  • Episode 067 - 04/19/21 - Did The Gods Wake Up One Day To Create The Universe?
  • Episode 068 - 04/28/21 - This World Was Not Made By The Gods For Humanity
  • Episode 069 - 05/08/21 - The Eventual End of Our World
  • Episode 070 - 05/15/21 - More On The End Of The World
  • Episode 071 - 05/20/21 - Back To The Beginning - The Beginning of Our Corner of the Universe
  • Episode 072 - 05/27/21 - Alternative Explanations in Science, and The Size of The Sun
  • Episode 073 - 06/04/21 - More on the Sun and Moon And Similar Astronomical Issues
  • Episode 074 - 06/09/21 - Eclipses, And The Beginnings of Life on Earth
  • Episode 075 - 06/18/21 - The Rise of Life On Earth, And Which Forms Were Possible And Impossible
  • Episode 076 - 06/26/21 - Early Humans and Their Society
  • Episode 077 - 07/02/21 - The Formation of Language and Early Societies
  • Episode 078 - 07/09/21 - Ethical Issues Arising In the Formation Of Societies
  • Episode 079 - 07/16/21 - The Cause Of The Arising of Belief In Gods
  • Episode 080 - 07/19/21 - The Development of Metallurgy And The Art of War
  • Episode 081 - 07/31/21 - Development of the Arts And The End of Book Five

6. Lucretius Book Six

  • Episode 082 - 08/06/21 - Lucretius - Book Six Opening of Book Six - Restatement of Goal of Poem
  • Episode 083 - 08/14/21 - Meteorology: Thunder and Lightning Part One
  • Episode 084 - 08/22/21 - Thunder and Lightning Part Two - Very Very Frightening
  • Episode 085 - 08/29/21 - Thunder and Lightning Part 3 - Why Do The Gods Send Thunderbolts Onto Their Own Temples?
  • Episode 086 - 09/04/21 - Typhoons and Whirlwinds
  • Episode 087 - 09/05/21 - Earthquakes and The Water Cycle
  • Episode 088 - 09/18/21 - The Waters of the Nile And The Sulfur Pits That Are Fatal To Birds
  • Episode 089 - 09/25/21 - Unusual Geological Phenomena - Springs That Change From Hot to Cold And Back Again
  • Episode 090 - 09/27/21 - Special Guest Panelist - Preparation for Discussion of Magnetism
  • Episode 091 - 10/04/21 - More on Magnetism, and Introduction To Disease And Plagues
  • Episode 092 - 10/12/21 - The Plague of Athens, And The End of the Poem

7. Torquatus On Ethics

  • Episode 093 - 10/25/21 - Torquatus on Ethics Torquatus Leads Us Forward Into Conflict Over Epicurean Ethics
  • Episode 094 - 11/06/21 - Torquatus Explains Pleasure As The Goal Of Life
  • Episode 095 - 11/10/21 - Understanding The Paradoxical "Absence of Pain"
  • Episode 096 - 11/15/21 - Episode Ninety-Six - The Proof That Pleasure (And Not Virtue) Is the Supreme Good
  • Episode 097 - 11/26/21 - The Virtues As Instrumental For Pleasure: Temperance and Courage
  • Episode 098 - 12/02/21 - The Epicurean View of Justice (Part One)
  • Episode 099 - 12/09/21 - The Epicurean View of Justice (Part Two)
  • Episode 100 - 12/17/21 - Concluding On Justice With A Shout To Keep The Virtues In Their Proper Place
  • Episode 101 - 12/22/21 - Corollaries to the Doctrines of Epicurus - Part One
  • Episode 102 - 12/31/21 - Corollaries to the Doctrines of Epicurus - Part Two
  • Episode 103 - 01/07/22 - Corollaries to the Doctrines of Epicurus - Part Three
  • Episode 104 - 01/13/22 - More Torquatus and a Question: Was The Ancient Epicurean Movement A Cult?
  • Episode 105 - 01/19/22 - More From Torquatus On The Key Doctrines of Epicurus
  • Episode 106 - 01/28/22 - The Epicurean Attitude Toward Fate / Fortune and the Role of Reason
  • Episode 107 - 02/03/22 - The Epicurean Emphasis on Natural Science
  • Episode 108 - 02/10/22 - The Benefits of A Proper Understanding of the Senses and of Natural Science
  • Episode 109 - 02/17/22 - The Epicurean View of Friendship
  • Episode 110 - 02/23/22 - The Epicurean View of Friendship (Part Two)
  • Episode 111 - 03/05/22 - Torquatus Summarizes The Significance of the Epicurus

8. Letter to Herodotus

  • Episode 112 - 03/12/22 - Letter to Herodotus Epicurus' Letter to Herodotus - Introduction and Outlining
  • Episode 113 - 03/18/22 - Letter to Herodotus 2 - Principles of Thinking
  • Episode 114 - 03/25/22 - Letter to Herodotus 3 - First Principles of Physics
  • Episode 115 - 04/01/22 - Letter to Herodotus 4 - Atoms, Void, and Basic Epistemology Issues
  • Episode 116 - 04/08/22 - Letter to Herodotus 5 - More Fundamentals of Physics
  • Episode 117 - 04/11/22 - Letter to Herodotus 6 - The Doctrine of Infinity of Worlds And Its Implications
  • Episode 118 - 04/21/22 - Letter to Herodotus 7 - Images - There's More To Them Than Meets the Eye
  • Episode 119 - 04/30/22 - Letter to Herodotus 8 - More On Perception Through The Atoms
  • Episode 120 - 05/06/22 - Letter to Herodotus 9 - Epicurus' Rejection of Infinite Divisibility
  • Episode 121 - 05/14/22 - Letter to Herodotus 10 - Atoms and The Soul
  • Episode 122 - 05/20/22 - Letter to Herodotus 11 - What it Means to "Exist" - Properties and Qualities
  • Episode 123 - 05/28/22 - Letter to Herodotus 12 - Events and Time (More on Properties and Qualities)
  • Episode 124 - 06/04/22 - Letter to Herodotus 13 - Life On Other Worlds, Development of Language, And the Regular Motion of the Stars
  • Episode 125 - 06/11/22 - Letter to Herodotus 14 - Purpose and Method of Studying Nature - Conclusion

9. Letter to Pythocles

  • Episode 126 - 06/15/22 - Letter to Pythocles Letter to Pythocles 01 - Introduction On The Basic Approach of Epicurean Philosophy
  • Episode 127 - 06/25/22 - Letter to Pythocles 02 - The Formation of "Worlds"
  • Episode 128 - 07/03/22 - Special Episode - Short Review of the Twelve Fundamentals of Nature
  • Episode 129 - 07/09/22 - Letter to Pythocles 03 - The Implications Of the Epicurean Position On The Size of the Sun
  • Episode 130 - 07/16/22 - Letter to Pythocles 04 - More on the Sun and Moon
  • Episode 131 - 07/23/22 - Letter to Pythocles 05 - Weather Phenomena
  • Episode 132 - 07/30/22 - Letter to Pythocles 06 - More on The Weather
  • Episode 133 - 08/06/22 - Letter to Pythocles 07 - Conclusion Of The Letter

10. Letter To Menoeceus

  • Episode 134 - 08/08/22 - Letter to Menoeceus Letter to Menoeceus 01 - Context and Opening of the Letter
  • Episode 135 - 08/15/22 - Letter to Menoeceus 02 - On The Nature of The Gods
  • Episode 136 - 08/23/22 - Letter to Menoeceus 03 - On Death (Part One)
  • Episode 137 - 09/01/22 - Letter to Menoeceus 04 - On Death (Part Two)
  • Episode 138 - 09/05/22 - Letter to Menoeceus 05 - On Pleasure (Part One)
  • Episode 139 - 09/12/22 - Letter to Menoeceus 06 - On Pleasure (Part Two)
  • Episode 140 - 09/19/22 - Letter to Menoeceus 07 - Completion of the Letter

11. Diogenes of Oinoanda - Excerpts From The Inscription

  • Episode 141 - 09/28/22 - Diogenes of Oinoanda Diogenes of Oinoanda (Part 1) The Inscription
  • Episode 142 - 10/05/22 - Diogenes of Oinoanda (Part 2) "Reality"
  • Episode 143 - 10/11/22 - Diogenes of Oinoanda (Part 3) The Superiority of The Epicurean Viewpoint on "Gods"
  • Episode 144 - 10/21/22 - Diogenes of Oinoanda (Part 4) Virtue Not The Highest Good

12. DeWitt's "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Parts 01-11

  • Episode 145 - 10/24/22 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 01 - Chapter 1 - Introduction
  • Episode 146 - 11/01/22 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 02 - The Three Divisions of Epicurean Philosophy
  • Episode 147 - 11/07/22 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 03 - True Opinions And False Opinions About Epicurus
  • Episode 148 - 11/14/22 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 04 - True Opinions And False Opinions About Epicurus
  • Episode 149 - 11/23/22 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 05 - The Early Years of Epicurus
  • Episode 150 - 12/03/22 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 06 - Development of the School in Mytilene and Lampsacus
  • Episode 151 - 12/11/22 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 07 - The New School In Athens
  • Episode 152 - 12/14/22 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 08 - The New Education 01
  • Episode 153 - 12/23/22 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 09 - The New Education 02
  • Episode 154 - 01/02/23 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 10 - Chapter 7 - The Canon Reason and Nature 01
  • Episode 155 - 01/10/23 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 11 - Chapter 7 - The Canon Reason and Nature 02

13. Interview With Dr. Emily Austin - "Living For Pleasure"

  • Episode 156 - 01/18/23 - Emily Austin Interview Lucretius Today Interviews Dr. Emily Austin - Part One
  • Episode 157 - 01/25/23 - Emily Austin Interview Lucretius Today Interviews Dr. Emily Austin - Part Two

14. DeWitt's "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Parts 12-19

  • Episode 158 - 01/31/23 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 12 - Chapter 7 - The Canon Reason and Nature 03
  • Episode 159 - 02/03/23 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 13 - Chapter 7 - The Canon Reason and Nature 04
  • Episode 160 - 02/07/23 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 14 - Chapter 8 - Sensations, Anticipations, and Feelings 01
  • Episode 161 - 02/15/23 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 15 - Chapter 8 - Sensations, Anticipations, and Feelings 02
  • Episode 162 - 02/21/23 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 16 - Chapter 8 - Sensations, Anticipations, and Feelings 03
  • Episode 163 - 02/28/23 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 17 - Chapter 8 - Sensations, Anticipations, and Feelings 04
  • Episode 164 - 03/09/23 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 18 - Chapter 8 - Sensations, Anticipations, and Feelings 05
  • Episode 165 - 03/18/23 - DeWitt Chapter 9 "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 19 - Chapter 9 - The New Physics 01

15. Interview With Dr. David Glidden - Epicurean Prolepsis

  • Episode 166 - 03/21/23 - Interview With Dr David Glidden Lucretius Today Interviews Dr. David Glidden on "Epicurean Prolepsis"

16. DeWitt's "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Parts 20-41

  • Episode 167 - 03/29/23 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 20 - Chapter 9 - The New Physics 02
  • Episode 168 - 04/05/23 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 21 - Chapter 10 - The New Freedom 01
  • Episode 169 - 04/12/23 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 22 - Chapter 10 - The New Freedom 02
  • Episode 170 - 04/20/23 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 23 - Chapter 10 - The New Freedom 03
  • Episode 171 - 04/27/23 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 24 - Chapter 11 - Soul, Sensation, and Mind 01
  • Episode 172 - 05/05/23 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 25 - Chapter 12 - The New Hedonism 01
  • Episode 173 - 05/13/23 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 26 - Chapter 12 - The New Hedonism 02
  • Episode 174 - 05/19/23 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 27 - Chapter 12 - The New Hedonism 03
  • Episode 175 - 05/25/23 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 28 - Chapter 12 - The New Hedonism 04
  • Episode 176 - 06/01/23 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 29 - Chapter 12 - The New Hedonism 05
  • Episode 177 - 06/08/23 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 29 - Chapter 12 - The New Hedonism 06
  • Episode 178 - 06/16/23 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 30 - Chapter 13 - The True Piety 01
  • Episode 179 - 06/23/23 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 31 - Chapter 13 - The True Piety 02
  • Episode 180 - 06/30/23 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 32 - Chapter 13 - The True Piety 03
  • Episode 181 - 07/06/23 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 33 - Chapter 14 - The New Virtues 04
  • Episode 182 - 07/15/23 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 34 - Chapter 14 - The New Virtues 05
  • Episode 183 - 07/22/23 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 35 - Chapter 14 - The New Virtues 06 - Honesty
  • Episode 184 - 07/28/23 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 36 - Chapter 14 - The New Virtues 07
  • Episode 185 - 08/04/23 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 37 - Chapter 14 - The New Virtues 08
  • Episode 186 - 08/12/23 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 38 - Chapter 15 - Extension, Submergence, Revival - 01
  • Episode 187 - 08/18/23 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 39 - Chapter 15 - Extension, Submergence, Revival - 02
  • Episode 188 - 08/24/23 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 40 - Chapter 15 - Extension, Submergence, Revival - 03
  • Episode 189 - 08/31/23 - "Epicurus And His Philosophy" Part 41 - Chapter 15 - Extension, Submergence, Revival - 04

17. Cicero's On Ends - Epicurean Sections Parts 01 - 02

  • Episode 190 - 09/09/23 - Cicero's On Ends - Book One - Part 01
  • Episode 191 - 09/15/23 - Cicero's On Ends - Book One - Part 02

18. Special Reading - "A Few Days In Athens" Chapter 16

  • Episode 192 - 09/18/23 - Special Edition - Chapter 16 of A Few Days In Athens

19. Cicero's On Ends - Epicurean Sections - Parts 03 - 06

  • Episode 193 - 09/30/23 - Cicero's On Ends - Book One - Part 03
  • Episode 194 - 10/02/23 - Cicero's On Ends - Book One - Part 04
  • Episode 195 - 10/09/23 - Cicero's On Ends - Book Two - Part 05
  • Episode 196 - 10/16/23 - Cicero's On Ends - Book Two - Part 06

20. Interview With Dr. Marcel Boeri - Theory And Practice In Epicurean Political Philosophy

  • Episode 197 - 10/23/23 - Interview With Dr Marcel Boeri Interview With Dr Marcelo Boeri

21. Cicero's On Ends - Epicurean Sections - Parts 07 - 08

  • Episode 198 - 10/25/23 - Cicero's On Ends - Book Two - Part 07
  • Episode 199 - 11/03/23 - Cicero's On Ends - Book Two - Part 08

22. Special Episode - Lucretius Today 200th Episode

  • Episode 200 - 11/10/23 - Lucretius Today 200th Episode: Retrospective, Recap, and Looking To The Future

23. Cicero's On Ends - Epicurean Sections - Parts 09 - 16

  • Episode 201 - 11/15/23 - Cicero's On Ends - Book Two - Part 09
  • Episode 202 - 11/22/23 - Cicero's On Ends - Book Two - Part 10 - The Animality Argument
  • Episode 203 - 12/02/23 - Cicero's On Ends - Book Two - Part 11 - Do The Senses Have Jurisdiction To Judge The Supreme Good?
  • Episode 204 - 12/09/23 - Cicero's On Ends - Book Two - Part 12 - More On The "Jurisdiction" Question
  • Episode 205 - 12/15/23 - Cicero's On Ends - Book Two - Part 13 - The Nature of Morality
  • Episode 206 - 12/22/23 - Cicero's On Ends - Book Two - Part 14 - More On The Nature of Morality
  • Episode 207 - 12/25/23 - Cicero's On Ends - Book Two - Part 15 - Does Epicurean Philosophy Lead to Injustice?
  • Episode 208 - 01/01/24 - Cicero's On Ends - Book Two - Part 16 - Epicurus Stands For The Truth Rather Than Make-Believe

24. Special Reading - Foundations of Epicurean Philosophy

25. Cicero's On Ends - Epicurean Sections - Parts 17 - 28

  • Episode 210 - 01/20/24 - Cicero's On Ends - Book Two - Part 17 - Self-Approval As Pleasure
  • Episode 211 - 01/27/24 - Cicero's On Ends - Book Two - Part 18 - Battle Of The Images
  • Episode 212 - 01/30/24 - Cicero's On Ends - Book Two - Part 19 - Can "Pleasure" Be Defended In The Public Square?
  • Episode 213 - 02/06/24 - Cicero's On Ends - Book Two - Part 20 - Only Epicureans Define Pleasure As You Do! Why Do You Lie?
  • Episode 214 - 02/14/24 - Cicero's On Ends - Book Two - Part 21 - Cicero Argues For Idealized Friendship and Happiness Which Epicurus Rejects
  • Episode 215 - 02/24/24 - Cicero's On Ends - Book Two - Part 22 - The Epicurean View Of Happiness
  • Episode 216 - 02/27/24 - Cicero's On Ends - Book Two - Part 23 - Why Does Epicurus Say Length Of Time Does Not Contribute To Pleasure?
  • Episode 217 - 03/06/24 - Cicero's On Ends - Book Two - Part 24 - Does Luck Control Whether An Epicurean Is Happy?
  • Episode 218 - 03/15/24 - Cicero's On Ends - Book Two - Part 25 - Can The Epicurean Not Distinguish Between Greater and Lesser Pleasures and Pains?
  • Episode 219 - 03/23/24 - Cicero's On Ends - Book Two - Part 26 - Cicero Continues His Attack On Epicurus' Position On Pain
  • Episode 220 - 03/30/24 - Cicero's On Ends - Book Two - Part 27 - Cicero Attacks Epicurus' End-Of-Life Decisionmaking
  • Episode 221 - 03/31/24 - Cicero's On Ends - Book Two - Part 28 - Cicero Alleges Pleasures Of The Mind Cannot Offset Pain In Epicurean Philosophy

26. Special Episode - The Relationship Between Happiness And Pleasure

  • Episode 222 - 04/08/24 - Revisiting the Relationship Between Happiness and Pleasure

27. Cicero's On Ends - Epicurean Sections - Part 29

  • Episode 223 - 04/16/24 - Cicero's On Ends - Book Two - Part 29 - Are Epicureans Undergoing The Exertions Of Life For Nothing More Than A Drop Of Honey?

28. Special Reading - The Letter of Cosma Raimondi

  • Episode 224 - 04/20/24 - Letter of Cosma Raimondi Special Reading - The 1429 Letter of Cosma Raimondi - In Defense of Epicurus

29. Cicero's On Ends - Epicurean Sections - Parts 30

  • Episode 225 - 04/24/24 - Cicero's On Ends - Book Two - Part 30 - Cicero Argues That Commitment To Virtue Is A Bar To Pleasure

30. Cicero's On The Nature Of The Gods

  • Episode 226 - 04/30/24 - Cicero's On The Nature of The Gods - Part 01 - Introduction
  • Episode 227 - 05/10/24 - Cicero's On The Nature of The Gods - Part 02 - Velleius Begins His Attack On Traditional Views Of The Gods
  • Episode 228 - 05/13/24 - Cicero's On The Nature of The Gods - Part 03 - Velleius Asks "What Woke The Gods To Create The World?"
  • Episode 229 - 05/22/24 - Cicero's On The Nature of The Gods - Part 04 - Velleius Continues His Assault On Intelligent Design
  • Episode 230 - 05/27/24 - Cicero's On The Nature of The Gods - Part 05 - Velleius Attacks Misplaced Ideas of Divinity
  • Episode 231 - 06/07/24 - Cicero's On The Nature of The Gods - Part 06 - How would you live if you were certain that there are no supernatural gods and no life after death?
  • Episode 232 - 06/15/24 - Cicero's On The Nature of The Gods - Part 07 - Velleius Attacks The Platonist And Aristotelian Views Of Gods
    • Democritus significantly influenced Epicurean philosophy, particularly in atomism, but Epicurus diverged on determinism and the attainability of truth.
    • Epicurus emphasized the importance of determining knowable truths to achieve happiness, contrasting with Democritus' skepticism.
    • Epicurus critiqued traditional theological views, asserting that gods are blessed and incorruptible, unlike Democritus' divine images linked to knowledge.
    • Sensation and preconceptions (prolepsis) are crucial in Epicurean thought, with Epicurus trusting these faculties for understanding the gods through non-visual images.
    • The podcast criticizes Plato and Aristotle's inconsistent and contradictory theological views, which Epicurus and his followers found logically and empirically flawed.
  • Episode 233 - 06/18/24 - Cicero's On The Nature of The Gods - Part 08 - An Epicurean Attack On The False God Of Stoicism
    • Rejection of Supernatural Elements: The episode emphasizes Epicurus' teaching that the universe is entirely natural, rejecting any supernatural elements, including the belief in life after death.
    • Critique of Platonic and Stoic Theologies: The discussion critiques Platonic and Stoic views of gods, highlighting the Epicurean stance that gods are blessed, incorruptible, and uninvolved in human affairs.
    • Nature of Epicurean Gods: Epicurean gods are described as animate beings that are deathless and perfectly blissful, contrasting with Stoic beliefs that deify abstract concepts like the law of nature.
    • Epicurus' View on Free Will: The podcast underscores Epicurus' rejection of determinism and the importance of free will, opposing Stoic fatalism.
    • Natural Law and Morality: The episode critiques the Stoic idea of natural law as an imposed divine order, arguing instead that Epicurean philosophy derives ethical guidance from the natural pursuit of pleasure and avoidance of pain observed in living beings.
  • Episode 234 - 06/24/24 - Cicero's On The Nature of The Gods - Part 09 - Dealing With Marcus Aurelius And The Epicurean Canonical Basis for Divinity
  • Episode 235 - 07/02/24 - Cicero's On The Nature of The Gods - Part 10 - Velleius Explains the Epicurean Proleptic View of Divinity
  • Episode 236 - 07/11/24 - Cicero's On The Nature of The Gods - Part 11 - Lucretian Support For Velleius' Views of Epicurean Divinity
  • Episode 237 - 07/17/24 - Cicero's On The Nature of The Gods - Part 12 - Isonomia And The Implications Of Infinity
  • Episode 238 - 07/24/24 - Cicero's On The Nature of The Gods - Part 13 - Velleius Erupts Against Stoic Fate and Supernatural God-Making
  • Episode 239 - 07/29/24 - Cicero's On The Nature of The Gods - Part 14 - The Dishonesty of Academic Skepticism vs. Epicurus' Commitment To Truth